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New products:Garden Grow Bag With Handles

New products:Garden Grow Bag With Handles

May 17, 2024

New products:Garden Grow Bag With Handles 

Extra space when you need it】 When you plant a crop in your garden that takes a while to grow, it limits your chances of continuous planting. You can create more space in your garden by adding grow bags. chaumetbag's plant grow bags can support a wide range of custom sizes so you can find grow bags that are large enough. 

Easy to harvestone of the features of grow bags is that they are easy to use when harvesting tuber crops. If you're harvesting sweet potatoes or new potatoes, there's no need to dig around with a garden fork, which can damage the tubers. You pour the bag over a sieve so 100% of the underground growth remains intact so the soil can be saved and reused. Some grow bags have flaps on the side so you can take only the tubers you need for that day's dinner.

Attracting pollinatorsTo attract pollinators (bees or butterflies) to your garden and add some colour, you can spread out planting bags and plant flowers in them. If you need to move the bags into a better position, you can lift them by the handle or place them on rollers.

Crop rotationCrop families should use a four-year rotation plan, moving from one sheet of soil to another each year and then returning to the original soil. This makes it easier to build up pathogens in the soil that can infect plants, and if you don't rotate often it's not a question of if it will happen, but when. Now that you have to find new places to grow tomatoes and peppers (both in the aubergine family), planting bags are a perfect solution. You don't have to bear the cost of building more places for the bits. Wooden ones are now very expensive and grow bags are relatively cheap. You can fill them with clean soil that has not had a build-up of pathogens for years.


Let chaumetbag's plant bags bring health to your beloved plants!



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